Dunwoody Home Sales

Dunwoody home sales have remained steady over the past several months despite the negative press on our current real estate market. The market for Dunwoody homes has been propped up by the strong school system, mainly Austin and Vanderlyn Elementary. Both Austin and Vanderlyn have some of the best test scores statewide which is a big draw for families with young children.

 Dunwoody homes have also been selling well because of location. Unlike some of the more northern suburbs, Dunwoody sits on the perimeter and is only minutes from both Midtown and Buckhead. With many attractions like Perimeter Mall, close-in public transportation, and a small-town feel, Dunwoody has quickly become on the premier destination “suburbs “ in Atlanta.

 In addition to the many attractions and top-rated restaurants, there is a very strong community organization that has helped to bring parades and festivals to the newly minted city. Once an un-incorporated part of DeKalb County, Dunwoody recently became its own city with a local service organizations better equipped to meet the community needs.

 Dunwoody homes continue to be in high-demand as many young families transition from in-town living to a more family-friendly atmosphere.