Why It’s Important to Set the Right Listing Price

house_ontop_money2If you own a home, you’ve previously been in the buyer’s seat. You and your agent scan the listings for homes in your desired area and price range. You inspect a few properties and then you wait. You wait for a home that you haven’t already weeded out to hit the market.

Because this is the story for many home buyers, particularly in a time of low inventory, your best opportunity to sell is within four weeks of listing. This means if the price is right, those buyers in waiting will bite.

How do you find the sweet spot when listing your home? Generally within 5% of market value is a good rule of thumb. You must take into consideration comparative listings and pervious selling prices in your area combined with any special features your home has to offer.

Pricing is so important that it’s one of the primary reasons hiring the right real estate agent is so crucial to the process. The Anderson Group will value your home for free! Fill out the form and get professional advice on the current value of your property. Make sure to put yourself in the best position to get a great price and a quick closing.